Coimbatore - 641 062, Tamilnadu. India.
About Us
A Place Of Intense Energy and Creativity

G R Damodaran Academy of Management which commenced functioning in September, 2005 is one of the best institutions set up by The GRD Trust, Coimbatore which runs a number of highly regarded institutions of education, research, extension and outreach.
G R Damodaran Academy of Management is affiliated to the Bharathiar University, Coimbatore - 641 046 and recognized by the All India Council for Technical Education for the MBA (Master of Business Administration) and MBA – International Business degree programmes with a sanctioned intake of 120 and 60 respectively. The degrees are awarded by the Bharathiar University.
Committed to excellence and relevance, the Academy aims to grow into a resource centre for advanced studies, research and training in Management.
Life @ GRDAM

Apart from the regular curriculum and Management related activities, the Academy celebrates important occasions of the year such as Independence day, Teacher’s day, Youth day, Onam and Pongal Festivals etc.,

Events at a Glance
Awards Day and Sports day celebrations in the Academy is an opportunity grabbed to recognize and award the BEST TALENTS in GRDAM.

Skill Development Workshops
The Academy provides opportunities to the Management Students to get groomed through various skill development workshops to sharpen their communication, organizing, team building skills & personality skills

Entrepreneurship Development Activities
Entrepreneurship Awareness camp and Entrepreneurship week are GRDAMians stimulating events, organized every year to instill the spirit of entrepreneurship among the Management Students.

National & International Webinar Series
A National or International Seminar is organized every year to meet up with the contemporary changes in the business milieu at Global level.

Intercollegiate Events
An Inter Collegiate events like business plan and Management games conducted every year provides a platform for MBA and UG participants from various institutions to get to know the feel of the Academy.