At Dr. G.R. Damodaran College of Science, quality enhancement agenda in terms of crucial areas of quality focus and action such as student centric curricula and methodology, professional and practical training, faculty development and upgradation, greater use of ICT in all aspects, and continuous performance monitoring has been framed and circulated for concerted effort by all departments and faculty. Explicit systematization of process quality assurance in terms of identification of processes for quality achievement, quality target setting, detailing quality related procedures, monitoring, and evaluation, remediation systems, and provision of organized support have been engaging the attention of the college since 2000, leading to the first ISO Certification in 2003.Regular audits are being carried out as required under the ISO certification system.

A Quality Assurance Cell has been constituted for setting the quality enhancement agenda with a co-ordinator to look after the common tasks of planning, documentation, facilitation and communication. Under the ISO Certification system, there is a management representative (leader) and coordinators in all departments to maintain documentation and keep track of quality related functions as required under the system.

Identification of quality policy, enumeration of quality objectives and targets, periodic collection of data on the status of achievement relating to the target and its verification to the satisfaction of the certifying agency – these are the functions of the ISO Certification system. The quality assurance cell holds periodic meetings to take stock of the progress in respect of the Quality improvement agenda.

Role played by the students in assuring quality of education imparted by the institution

Entry preparation, motivation and goal focus, self belief and commitment and enthusiastic participation of students play a major role in the achievement of quality in education. The background of GRD students is quite good in these respects and, in the student centred ambience promoted by the College, students work with earnestness, sense of purpose and confidence, fulfilling the institutional mission. They of course have several avenues to express their views and needs. They plan and organize numerous activities and events which help them to learn and also boost the image and morale of the faculty and the institution.

Initiatives been taken up by the institution to promote best practices in the institution

In a nutsell – the College’s focus is on knowledge development and student development, and not on training for examination passing. Commitment to this belief among all concerned is essential as a first requirement. Dynamic leadership, which can understand its implications and plan the necessary strategies and motivate and ensure their systematic implementation by the faculty and students, is also needed to achieve real quality in its manifold sense. Dr GRD College of Science has both the commitment and the leadership, which constantly strives to create and reinforce awareness of the central goals and promote creative ideas and discussion among faculty in a participatory way at staff meetings, committee meetings Heads of Department meetings and Boards of Studies meetings. The College culture of favouring lateral communications discussions and consensus, easy access to centres of decision making, and flexibility and openness to change helps the generation and adoption of good ideas and practices. Some of these which can be institutionalized as procedures and formalities have been so done under the ISO protocol. The rest is left to the commitment and initiative of the teacher.

IQAC Minutes and ATR
Peer Team Committee & Report
Student Satisfaction Survey
Best Practices
Programme Outcomes and Course Outcomes