i. To recognise that heritage is a vital element in the big story of mankind.
ii. To deepen an understanding of the past both the dark and light sides, so as, to better understand the present and future.
iii. To encourage an appreciation of diverse cultures, the efforts that are, required to protect and conserve it and also draw attention to its vulnerability.
iv. To provide students with opportunities to learn about world heritage and celebrate its richness.
This year’s heritage club of GRD went on a march for understanding, peace and tolerance.
S. Naga Venkateswari and Jayandra Prakash
We the students of the 9th standard went on a Heritage trip to know about the culture, rituals and principles of different religions. First we went to the Koniamman temple next to the St. Michael’s Church and then to the Hyder Ali Mosque, finally to the Gurudwara. We also visited the Gandhi Museum.
It was the first time in our lives that we entered the different worship areas. The sacred books like the Bhagawat Gita, the Guru Granth Sahib, the Quran and the Bible, all preached the same. They taught a man how to lead his life.
These religions are just lights coming out of different colours of glasses. We being the future citizens of India will promise to “RESPECT ALL RELIGIONS”. We embrace all religions.
• Each place of worship was different —the Koniamman temple had a number of deities. The temple had more than a hundred brass lamps, which is used for special occasions. It being a muhurtham day the temple was rather crowded but we were given special dharshan.
• At the St. Michael’s church —Father Nelson spoke to us about Christianity, about how one attains priesthood and how one becomes a Bishop. Father Nelson told us that the three huge bells in the church had come from France. He told us that to become a priest one had to study more than 12 subjects. Every church had a Parish, and the church looked after all the members of the Parish. The St. Michael’s Cathedral is dedicated to the archangel Michael who is the head of the angels in heaven. We saw the pulpit and the altar. The stained glass windows gave the church a very different ambience. The 1-hour we spent at the church flew by like minutes. We snacked on biscuits and cool-drinks provided by the church and then we went on our way.