Principal’s Message
There is so much happening in school every day. Each day throws up new challenges, innumerable interactions, new responsibilities and new opportunities.
At GRD there is great talent, great potential, and we at school recognize this.
Not only are we driven by excellent academic standards, we consistently offer a wide range of challenging and innovative learning experiences. These learning opportunities are not fringe initiatives relating to a small number of children – but meant to broaden the horizons of each and every child. We understand that real learning should not be judged by year end exams alone. It is important to realize that domains of learning such as assemblies, class and group activities, field trips, projects, workshops, dance, music, sports, theatre etc are not extracurricular – they are an integral part of the school curriculum.
We rethink our priorities and outcomes; we give children responsibilities, interact with them, guide and encourage them towards educational excellence. The opportunities are endless, the possibilities infinite.
Grooming a well balanced child isn’t a one day process – It is something we do day in and day out – for years together – so that we may gift an outstanding human being to the world.
Thank you for sharing your children with us. We look forward with joy to being a big part of their growing up years – here in GRD
Thank you and happy days!

Srimathy Naidu R